Tsavo East
Kenya, Tsavo

About Tsavo East

Tsavo East National Park is one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya at 11,747 square kilometers. Opened in April 1948, it is located near the village of Voi in the Taita District of Coast Province. The park is divided into east and west sections by the A109 road and a railway. Named for the Tsavo River, which flows west to east through the national park, it borders the Chyulu Hills National Park, and the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania.
The park can be accessed by three main gates, from Voi through the Manyani gate, from Mombasa through the Bachuma gate or from Malindi through the Sala gate. There are also several airstrips in the park that allow chartered light planes. The park also offers camping and several geographical points of interest.


Inside the park, the Athi and Tsavo rivers converge to form the Galana River. Most of the park consists of semi-arid grasslands and savanna. It is considered one of the world's biodiversity strongholds, and its popularity is mostly due to the vast amounts of diverse wildlife that can be seen.
The slightly larger Tsavo East is generally flat, with dry plains across which the Galana River flows. Other features include the Yatta Plateau and Lugards Falls. Wildlife in Tsavo East includes black rhinos and hirola antelopes.


The Mudanda Rock is a 1.6 km inselberg of stratified rock that acts as a water catchment that supplies a natural dam below. It offers an excellent vantage point for the hundreds of elephants and other wildlife that come to drink during the dry season.
The Yatta Plateau, the world's longest lava flow, runs along the western boundary of the park above the Athi river. Its 290 km length was formed by lava from Ol Doinyo Sabuk Mountain.
Lugard Falls, named after Frederick Lugard, is actually a series of white water rapids on the Galana river.
Aruba Dam was built in 1952 across the Voi river. The reservoir created by the dam attracts many animals and water birds.

  •   √ Airport
  •   √ Plane
    • Climate
    •   √ Semi-desert
    •   √ Steppe
      Flora and fauna
    •   √ Animals:
    •   √ Birds:
    •   √ Language (official and spoken)
    •   √ Power supply (voltage, socket type)
    •   √ Telephone code
    •   √ Time zone (+00:00 GMT)
      • Location type
      •   √ Natural
      •   √ Popular
        Target audience
      •   √ Adults
      •   √ Groups of friends
      •   √ Young people
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